- NEOS Libraries Codes (2023)
- NEOS Continuing Resource Documentation Directory (2023)
- Guidelines for Adding Local Subject Headings (2023)
- Statement on Harmful Subject Headings and Metadata (2022)
- Committee Terms of Reference (2021)
- Policy on Shared Principles for Cataloguing (2021)
- Guidelines for Adding eBook Collections to NEOS Free Access (2020)
- Cataloguing Standards (2019)
- NEOS Guidelines for E-Resource Cataloguing (2019)
- Last Copy Procedure (2018)
- NEOS Transfer Procedures (2018)
- Cataloguing Standards (2018)
- Cataloguing of non-book material (2010)
- Changes between AACR2 and RDA (2010)
- Better the devil we know?: a discussion of RDA for both technical and public services (2010)