General Information
The 2019 NEOS Miniconference was held on Friday, June 7th in the Robbins Health Learning Centre at MacEwan University. Preconference events were held on Thursday, June 6th at the University of Alberta (Cameron Library) and at the Royal Alberta Museum.
The Miniconference is organized annually by the NEOS Continuing Education Committee and is offered at no charge to staff from NEOS member libraries.
Welcome and Keynote Speaker (9:00 am, The Heart, 9-100)

A visual account of the Royal Alberta Museum’s $375M redevelopment as it relocated from its home in Edmonton’s Glenora neighbourhood, where it opened in 1967, to its grand re-opening in Edmonton’s Arts District in 2018.
NEOS Updates (10:00 am)
NEOS Update – Kristine Plastow (Red Deer College) and Eve Poirier (NorQuest College), NEOS Executive Co-Chairs
Coffee break (10:30 – 11:30 am)
Breakout Sessions 1 (11:00 – 12:00 pm)
1A – An Investigation of the Privacy of Library Users (The Heart, 9-100)
Julia Martyniuk, Trish Chatterley (University of Alberta)
This session will outline preliminary findings from an investigation of the privacy of library patrons, specifically focusing on privacy issues related to vendors’ provision of electronic products, and how the forthcoming trend away from IP-based authentication is going to effect patron privacy.
1B – Unconference Planning – Facilitated by Brian Stearns (University of Alberta) (9-217)
1C – Speed Networking – Facilitated by John Huck (University of Alberta) (9-218)
Speed networking is a structured form of networking that allows participants to meet and have brief one-on-one conversations with many people in a short span of time (about ten to twelve people in an hour). The goal is to meet new people and discover shared connections or common interests. This session will be an opportunity for individual NEOS staff to develop their professional contacts within NEOS, share their personal experiences working in NEOS and hear about the experiences of others. The open-ended format, guided by a facilitator, allows conversations to follow any topic of mutual interest. No preparation is required, but session attendees should bring a dozen or more business cards or prepared slips with their contact information.
Lunch (12:00 pm – 1:15 pm)
Breakout Sessions 2 (1:15 – 2:00 pm)
2A – Student Success and the Library’s Hidden Gem (9-216)
Kieren Bailey (Grande Prairie Regional College)
This presentation will discuss using research consultations as part of an embedded library instruction program. There will be time for open discussion on research consultations trends at your library.
2B – We Did It and You Can Too: A Responsive 3D Printing Service Story (9-217)
Martina King, Maryam Bidhendi (MacEwan University)
Following in the footsteps of others can have its advantages, we certainly thought so! MacEwan University Library will share our experience launching a 3D printing service, responding to challenges, and our plans to transition from a fully mediated to a mostly self-serve service model.
Lightning Talks 1 (Block 2)
2C1 – Presenting the NEOS Guidelines for E-Resource Cataloguing (9-218)
Amanda Nagyl, Fairfax Culpepper, Michael Betmanis (University of Alberta)
Do you ever need to catalogue a non-serial e-resource but aren’t quite sure what all the ins and outs might be? Members from the UofA Monographs team will give a brief overview of the new NEOS: Guidelines for E-Resource Cataloguing to help fill in the blanks.
2C2 – Linguistic Data on Demand
John Huck, Anna Bombak (University of Alberta)
U of A Libraries recently completed a project to improve cataloguing and access for a large collection of linguistic data sets. In this presentation, we tell how staff from several library units worked together to devise and implement a new, simplified access model within the framework of existing data services.
2D – Unconference Session 1 –
Meeting Our Users Where They Are (Internationalization, equity, diversity & inclusion, digital divide, remote users) (Atrium 9-212)
Break (2:00 – 2:15 pm)
Breakout Sessions 3 (2:15 – 3:00 pm)
3A – Out of the Pot and into the Fire: From Brief Orientation to providing Information Literacy Instruction (9-216)
Karina Dunn (Vanguard College)
A recent MLIS graduate takes you on her IL journey from brief library tour to embedded librarianship. She attempted to revolutionize the Library orientation at her College into information literacy instruction and ended up embedding librarianship in the classroom. These are the lessons she’s learning along the way.
3B – Reports Ride-along: A Journey through the Invisible, Intricate World of ILS reports
Scott Davies (University of Alberta)
Climb aboard, if you dare! In this session, we will journey through one full day in the life of the complex web of automated tasks that keep our library system running smoothly, both at the desk and under the hood. Expect to be amazed and informed!
Lightning Talks 2 (Block 3)
3C1 – My First Year as a Solo Librarian: Solo Academic Librarianship in the Context of the St. Joseph’s College Library (9-218)
Hailey Siracky (St. Joseph’s College)
What is the St. Joseph’s College Library, and what is it like to work there as both a solo librarian and Director of Library Services? This lightening talk will survey the joys and challenges of solo library work in an academic context and offer wisdom gained from an early-career librarian’s first year on the job.
3C2 – More than Personal Communication: A Citation Template for Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers (9-218)
Lorisia MacLeod (NorQuest College)
NorQuest Library has noted that the formal APA and MLA style do not have a format for Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers so I have developed citation templates in the spirit of wahkôhtowin and reconciliation and in partnership with our Indigenous Student Centre staff and Elder- come check it out!
3D – Unconference Session 2 –
Engaging Users Through Emerging Technologies (VR, augmented reality, robots, 3D printing, learning youth tech) (Atrium 9-212)
Break: Gelato and cake, (3:00 -3:15 pm)
Breakout Sessions 4 (3:15 – 4:00 pm)
4A – Canadian Cohort: Moving Towards Linked Data Implementation at UAL (9-216)
Ian Bigelow (University of Alberta)
UAL is moving forward with linked data implementation. This session will outline the participation of UAL in the LD4P Cohort and related projects, with a particular focus on considerations for NEOS.
4B – What’s all the Hoopla About? (9-217)
Ngina wa Kaai, Lorisia MacLeod (NorQuest College)
What do digital resources, students learning English, and a smartphone have in common? NorQuest College Library is proud to present the answer in this session.
Lightning Talks 3 (Block 4)
4C1 – MacEwan Kindness Project (9-218)
Michelle Bezenar, Sydney Bennell (MacEwan University)
Based on an initiative from a public librarian in Boise, Idaho, MacEwan Library, in partnership with MacEwan Peer Health Educators, have teamed up to support student wellness with notes of kindness.
4C2 – Diversity and Representation in Library Collections (9-218)
Carolyn Carpan (University of Alberta)
The Collection Strategies Unit at the University of Alberta Libraries is finding ways to assess library collections for diversity and representation.
This session will be used to plan the unconference sessions that will be occurring in the afternoon concurrently with the programmed sessions. Unconference sessions are participant-driven and reflect the desires of the group in attendance. Participants in this session will discuss what types of discussions they would like to have in the afternoon sessions. The afternoon sessions are scheduled to coincide with the planned sessions, with a new discussion topic in each session. Attendees do not need to attend this session to participate in the afternoon unconference sessions.
4D – Unconference Session 3 –
Our Users, Ourselves (Scope of work, privilege, safety, academic misconduct, predatory publishing) (Atrium 9-212)
Information About the Venue
- Plan of the Robbins Health Learning Centre
- Maps and information about MacEwan City Centre Campus
- Parking at City Centre Campus
- For attendees travelling to the conference from outside Edmonton, MacEwan University offers a range of affordable accommodations.
Brian Stearns (University of Alberta)
The purpose of this full-day event will be to allow staff who catalogue to bring items that are unusual–either because of the format or because they do not encounter such material often–and work together to improve their cataloguing skills. The format will be informal, with peers helping by sharing their own knowledge and skills.
- Where:Cameron Library, Room 4-02, U of A North Campus
- When: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Linked Data for NEOS: A Workshop
Ian Bigelow, Danoosh Davoodi, Sharon Farnel, Abigail Sparling (University of Alberta)
This workshop will provide a general overview of linked data and BIBFRAME, and outline key projects including LD4P Cohort, Sinopia, SHARE VDE, Jupiter, and open source conversion processes. Where possible, hands on experience with tools and processes in development will be incorporated into the session.
- Where: Cameron Library (Room 3-10), U of A North Campus
- When: 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Royal Alberta Museum (RAM) – Self Guided Tour
The new Royal Alberta Museum takes you on a journey through millions of years of Alberta’s remarkable stories. From our expansive Natural and Human History halls chronicling the history of Alberta’s people, animals and landscapes, to a live Bug Gallery, and Children’s Gallery for little visitors with big imaginations, a-ha moments await around every corner! *Participants are responsible for the entrance fee. We can get a discounted group rate but we will have to gather everyone’s cash payments and pay together!
- Where: Royal Alberta Museum, 9810 103a Ave NW Edmonton
- When: 1:45 pm – Meet to pay entrance fee; 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Self guided visit
Social Hour
Join the NEOS CEC members for casual drinks and conversation! A great opportunity to meet and greet familiar and new faces from the NEOS libraries. *Participants are responsible for cost of food and drinks.
- Where: The Rose & Crown Pub, 10235 101 St NW Edmonton
- When: 4:00 pm