The in-person component of the 2024 NEOS Mini Conference was held on Friday, June 14th at Concordia University of Edmonton. Online versions of some presentations were offered the following week via live Zoom sessions.
The Mini Conference is organized annually by the NEOS Continuing Education Committee
and is offered at no charge to staff from NEOS member libraries.

2024 NEOS Mini Conference Schedule
Welcome & Keynote Speaker (9:00 am – 10:15 am)

Alberta and the 1885 North West Resistance
Craig Baird
The story of the North West Resistance of 1885 is typically centered on present-day Saskatchewan, but Alberta played a role in it as well. From battle sites, to communities raising forts and militias, it is a fascinating story from a transformative time in the history of Canada.
Craig Baird is the creator of Canadian History Ehx, a podcast and history website that shares Canada’s history. Since 2019, he has been sharing the history of Canada through his podcast and on social media. Currently, his podcast receives over one million downloads a year, and is one of the top history podcasts in Canada.
Break (10:15 am – 10:45 am)
Breakout Sessions 1 (10:45 am – 11:30 am)
1A: University of Alberta Library LSP (Library Services Platform) Progress Update
Ivan Chan and Weiwei Shi (University of Alberta)
As UAL progresses with the LSP Migration project, this presentation aims to provide the most up-to-date information on our efforts.
1B: Speed Networking
Yvonne Phillips (Red Deer Polytechnic)
Like to meet new people? New to NEOS? Speed Networking provides a framework for meeting people and engaging in brief conversations.
1C: Strategies for Developing and Maintaining a Responsive FAQ Knowledge Base
Kara Blizzard (University of Alberta)
In 2022, the University of Alberta Library’s Virtual Reference Working Group recommended using LibAnswers software to create “a publicly available, searchable FAQ database based on real-world questions to enhance our service offerings to users.” I will describe our process for developing an initial set of FAQs, how we keep them current, and strategies we use to ensure the FAQs are responsive to library users’ needs.
NEOS Updates (11:30 am – 11:45 am)
Lunch (11:45 am – 1:00 pm)
Breakout Sessions 2 (1:00 pm – 1:45 pm)
2A: Don’t LSP Your Pants!
Bonita Bjornson (The King’s University), Tara Somerfeld (Covenant Health), Samantha Nugent (NorQuest College)
Join three members of the Access Services Committee for a panel discussion about the LSP migration. Learn about the work that has been done in the world of access services and what the committee has planned for the future, and gain valuable insight on what transitioning to a new LSP is really like from a Covenant staff member who has made it through to the other side.
2B: Research Assessment? The What, the Why, and the How
Thane Chambers (University of Alberta)
Explore the dynamic ways research assessment can help a library better understand research, support researchers, create potential research collaborations, provide data on the library collection, and the ways in which research being done at our institutions is tied to the community.
2C: Navigating Transformation: Strategies for Embracing Change and Building a Culture of Adaptability in Libraries
Theresa Chika-James (MacEwan University)
The presentation focuses on the importance of fostering a culture within libraries that not only welcomes change but actively embraces it to drive growth and foster innovation. The discussion will address ways of approaching organizational change, highlight the significance of recognizing various forms of resistance to change within library settings and discuss methods for managing resistance. By understanding different approaches to organizational change and how to effectively identify and address various forms of resistance, individuals and teams can promote a culture of adaptability among staff members.
Break (1:45 pm – 2:00 pm)
Breakout Sessions 3 (2:00 pm – 2:45 pm)
3A: Herding CATS! LSP Migration and NEOS Catalogue Data
Ian Bigelow (University of Alberta)
As NEOS libraries prepare for the transition to multiple Library Services Platforms there is a lot of work to be done and planning needed. For any LSP migration, efforts related to the preparation, cleanup, extract and transfer of bibliographic and related catalogue data are significant. NEOS libraries migrating to multiple LSP presents unique challenges as we herd catalogues to their new destinations. This session will be an update on the work of the NEOS LSP BIB Data Export and Cleanup Working Group and a chance for further questions and discussion on related topics.
3B: A Place for Indigenous-Engaged Learning: Making a Space with Students and Knowledge Keepers
Allison Sivak, Denise Lafitte, Anne Carr-Wiggin (University of Alberta)
Planning for the Indigenous Learning Space in the new Geoffrey and Robyn Sperber Health Sciences Library at the University of Alberta involved collaboration with Indigenous students and Knowledge Keepers, and its opening was marked by a pipe ceremony. The space is now in active use by the Indigenous community on campus for Indigenous-engaged learning and events. This session will introduce participants to the space and the journey so far.
3C: Lightning Talks x 3
3C1: Virtual Workshop Remodel: Refreshing UAL’s Virtual Workshop for Searching to Support Systematic and Scoping Reviews
Danielle Deschamps (University of Alberta)
This lightning talk will share about the newly refreshed asynchronous, virtual workshop, Searching to Support Systematic, Scoping, and Other Types of Reviews, created with the University of Alberta Sperber Health Sciences Librarians and as part of the 2023-2024 Academic Library Residency project. From strategies and processes to lessons learned, this brief talk will share the highlights from the process of developing this virtual workshop.
3C2: An Inside Job: Creating Compelling Videos to Promote Your Library
Lana Atkinson (Covenant Health)
Join us for a Lightning Talk where we’ll unveil the secrets behind our small, medical library’s success in crafting short and compelling “explainer videos” to highlight our services and resources. Discover how easy, effective, and budget-friendly it can be to produce visually engaging content, in-house.
3C3: Caption this: Integrating Graphic Novels to aid in Leisure Reading Initiatives in the Academic Library
Shania Sola (Burman University)
This presentation contemplates extant literature and personal experiences at the Burman University campus library, arguing for the benefits that stem from the inclusion of leisure reading materials in the collection. It focuses on perceived changes following the decision to add this literature to the curriculum collection.
Break (2:45 pm – 3:00 pm)
Breakout Sessions 4 (3:00 pm – 3:45 pm)
4A: What You Need to Know About Emotional Labour
Norene Erickson (MacEwan University)
In this presentation, we will discuss key concepts surrounding emotional labour. Attendees will be introduced to a free online workshop designed for all library staff who work in public-facing roles or for those who are interested in learning more about emotional labour.
4B: Tour of Concordia Library
Join CUE staff for a tour of the Concordia Library. Come explore our multi-level library and see how we’ve changed over the years. There’s always something new and exciting at the library!