Lakeland College, originally the Vermilion School of Agriculture, opened in 1913 with an educational goal of meeting the needs of the people, community and society. The college continues to meet this goal with a wide variety of certificate, diploma and applied degree programs. The library is dedicated to supporting these programs, which include Agriculture, Environment, Interior Design, Human Services, Trades, and fire etc., an emergency training center that joined the college in 2005.
Fall and Winter Terms:
Monday – Friday: 8:15 am – 8:00 pm
Monday – Friday: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm (no desk service)
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Watch for extended hours during exam weeks.
Spring/Summer hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:15 am – 4:30 pm
Library fines and other payments may be paid during office hours at this location in person or by mail, via cash, cheque (payable to Lakeland College) or credit/debit.
Phone: (780) 853-8463
Toll Free: 1-800-661-6490, 8463
Text: (587) 801-2103
Fax: (780) 853-8662 (currently unavailable)
Email: library@lakelandcollege.ca
Website: www.lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/libraries
Library Staff
Wanjiku Kaai, Public Services Librarian
(780) 853-8731
Lia Kim, Library Technician
(780) 853-8465
Lakeland College
Vermilion Campus
5707 College Drive
Vermilion, Alberta, Canada T9X 1K5
Lakeland College, Vermilion Campus, is located 192 km east of Edmonton on Highway 16. Follow the Highway 41 (north) exit signs into Vermilion and turn left at the first set of lights. Lakeland College is on the left, just past the fair grounds. The library is in the basement of the main building, Alumni Hall.