The collection supports the research of AI scientific and technical staff. The total collection contains approximately 40,000+ volumes and 150+ current periodical subscriptions.
Collection strengths at Mill Woods are: advanced materials and processes, biotechnology, chemistry and chemical engineering, environmental research and engineering, forestry research, industrial engineering, manufacturing technologies, oil sands/heavy oil recovery, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper.
Monday – Friday: 8:15 am – 4:30 pm
(Unstaffed from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)
Library fines and other payments may be paid at this location in person, via cash only.
Phone: (780) 450-5346
Email: millwoods_library@albertainnovates.ca
Library Staff
Felicia Liu, Librarian
(780) 450-5327
Taras Kurylo, Circulation/Serials
(780) 450-5063
Roberto Pellegrino, ILL
(780) 450-5057
Alberta Innovates
250 Karl Clark Road
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6N 1E4
The Mill Woods (main) branch of the Alberta Innovates Libraries is located in the Edmonton Research Park at 250 Karl Clark Road. The closest main intersection is 99th Street (Parson’s Road) and 23rd Avenue.