Olds College of Agriculture and Technology is a board-governed public college serving the learning needs of the agricultural, horticulture, land and environment management, agribusiness and rural entrepreneurship communities at the certificate, diploma, and applied degree levels. The college also participates with other institutions in offering post-diploma degrees. The college has a student population of 1,200.
Fall & Winter Terms:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Weekends: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Spring & Summer Terms:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Library fines and other payments may be paid at this location in person by cash, debit, or credit or by mail by cash, cheque or money order (payable to Olds College).
Phone: (403) 507-7777
Fax: (403) 556-4705
Email: library@oldscollege.ca
Website: www.oldscollege.ca/student-life/teaching-learning-centre-innovation/library
Library Staff
Jon Newman , Manager, Educational Technology and Learning Commons
(403) 507-7917
Caroline Vandriel, Teacher Librarian, Technical Services
(403) 507-7940
Olds College
4500 – 50 Street
Olds, Alberta
T4H 1R6
Olds College is located 65 km south of Red Deer, 5 km west Highway 2 on Highway 27. To access the Library, take the southern most entrance to the College. The Library is located on the upper floor of the Learning Resources Building.